Project Smile for Children with Disabilities

The Delhi government has launched “Project Smile” for children with learning disabilities to provide specialised assistance.

The project will start by testing 35,000 children for learning disabilities.

Coming on the heels of the “Every Child Can Read” campaign, the government has identified 35,000 children who will be tested for learning disabilities, and provided appropriate learning support and specialised assistance.

“Project Smile” aims to reach every child studying in Delhi government schools to prevent the possibility of neglect.

‘Project Smile’ will ensure that no child is left behind as a result of their learning disability.

Special education teachers and counsellors will administer screening tests to the children to identify if they have learning disabilities.

Based on the results, these special education teachers and counsellors will be allotted groups of children. A control unit will be set up at the Directorate to monitor the implementation of this project.