Ratification of Solar Alliance Agreement by India

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Modi has given its ex-post facto approval to the proposal of Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) for ratification of ISA’s Framework Agreement by India.

ISA was launched jointly by the Prime Minister of India and the President of France on 30thNovember, 2015 at Paris on the side-lines of the 21st CoP meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The ISA will strive to bring together more than 121 solar resource rich nations for coordinated research, low cost financing and rapid deployment.

The foundation stone of the ISA Headquarters was laid at Gwal Pahari, Guragaon in Haryana. India has already committed the required support of operationalization of ISA.

ISA will put India globally in a leadership role in climate and renewable energy issues. It will also give a platform to showcase its solar programmes. 


The Agreement was opened for signature on the sidelines of 22nd CoP meeting at Marrakesh, Morocco.

The Agreement invokes the Paris Declaration on ISA and encapsulates the vision of the prospective member nations.

UNDP and World Bank have already announced their partnership with the ISA.

Till now, 25 nations have signed the Framework Agreement.