On 27 May 2022, a grand Investiture Ceremony for RPF is scheduled to be held at Vigyan Bhawan. During the ceremony, Minister of Railways Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw will honour the RPF personnel awarded with the President’s Medal for Gallantry, Police Medal for Meritorious Service, President’s Police Medal for Distinguished Service and Jeewan Raksha Series of medals awarded by Hon’ble President of India during year 2019, 2020 and 2021. These awards are bestowed upon deserving personnel of the Force for their contribution in the service of the nation. These award winners will inspire other force members to work with greater dedication.
The Force is not only entrusted with the responsibility of security of railway property but also of passengers and passenger area. It has emerged as a force with compassion as it has been helping women, children, sick, elderly, differently abled and others in need of care and protection coming in contact with railways. The force has been working round the clock for providing safe, secure and comfortable travel experience to Railway passengers. It has become a crucial stakeholder in the national security grid by playing important role in transport security, preventive action against acts of terror, fighting crime including Human Trafficking and smuggling, helping police and other Law Enforcement Agencies in detection of crime, aiding in maintenance of law & order, providing bandobast during National and State elections among others.