As per the weather bulletin issued by India Meteorological Department(IMD) today, based on latest numerical weather prediction model guidance, the southwest monsoon is likely to revive gradually over south peninsula including West coast and adjoining east central India from 08th of this month.
A low pressure area is likely to form over West central and adjoining Northwest Bay of Bengal off north Andhra Pradesh-south Odisha coasts around 11thJuly.
The moist easterly winds in lower level from Bay of Bengal are likely to establish gradually overparts of eastern India from 08th July onwards. It is likely to spread into northwest India coveringPunjabandnorthHaryanaby 10th July.
Accordingly, southwest monsoon is likely to advance over remaining parts of West Uttar Pradesh,some more parts of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi. The above weather system is very likely to cause increased rainfall activity over northwest ¢ral India from10thJuly.
For details of forecast and warning refer: