Steps Taken for Promoting Trade from North-East

The objectives of Act East Policy includes deepening of economic cooperation and expanding trade with countries in the Asia-Pacific Region. The process facilitates bilateral trade from North-East also.

Total estimated trade (as provided by Department of Revenue) between India and Myanmar through the North-East has grown from Rs. 7752.72 lakhs to Rs. 14452.26 lakhs between 2013-14 and 2015-16.

Some of the steps taken for promoting trade from the North-East region, particularly to Myanmar are as follows:

i. Shifting from barter trade to normal trade; expansion to all tradeable commodities

ii. Increasing trade through sea route by harnessing the proposed Kaladan Multi Modal Transit Transport Facility

iii. Better land connectivity through India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway

iv. Improving the land connectivity on Indian side through widening of the Imphal – Moreh road.

v. Comprehensive Telecom Development Plan for North-East

vi. Initiation of better banking facility.

vii. Expansion of rail network in the region

viii. Land Customs Stations (LCS) at Moreh, Zokhawthar andChamphai

ix. Establishment of borderhaats

x. Integrated Check Post at Moreh