Technology to Track Global Fishing Launched

Leonardo DiCaprio unveiled a free technology that allows users to spy on global fishing practices in a bid to curb illegal activity in the oceans.

The technology, known as Global Fishing Watch, was released to the public.

Using satellite technology combined with radar aboard boats, the platform allows people to zero in on areas of interest around the world and trace the paths of 35,000 commercial fishing vessels.

The technology aims to offer a crowd sourced solution to the problem of illegal fishing.

Illegal fishing accounts for up to 35 per cent of the global wild marine catch and causes yearly losses of USD 23.5 billion.

Overfishing is also a growing problem worldwide, with about two thirds of fish stocks in the high seas either over exploited or depleted.

Some of the planet’s largest fish, including tuna and swordfish, are below 10 percent of their historical level.