The Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) released the Centralized Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) 22nd monthly report for States/UTs for May, 2024. The said report provides a detailed analysis of types and categories of public grievances and the nature of disposal by the States/UTs.
A total of 55940 grievances were redressed by States and Union Territories in May, 2024. The pendency of grievances of States/UTs received on CPGRAMS portal stands at 209582 grievances across the States/UTs Governments, as of 31st May, 2024.
The report provides the data for new users registered on CPGRAMS through all the channels (CPGRAMS Portal, PMOPG Portal, Mobile Application) in the month of May, 2024. A total of 49486 new users registered in the month of May, 2024, with maximum registrations from Uttar Pradesh 7323 followed by Maharashtra with the number standing at 5290 registrations.
The said report also provides the state-wise analysis on the grievances registered through Common Service Centres in May, 2024. CPGRAMS has been integrated with the Common Service Centre (CSC) portal and is available at more than 5 lakh CSCs, associating with 2.5 lakh Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs). 6011 grievances were registered through CSCs in the month of May, 2024, in which maximum grievances were filed from Assam (2383 grievances) followed by Uttar Pradesh (831 grievances). It also highlights the major issues/categories for which the maximum grievances were registered through CSCs.
In May, 2024, the Feedback Call Centre collected 71996 feedbacks, out of the total feedbacks collected, ~49% citizens expressed satisfaction with the resolution provided to their respective grievances. In May, 2024, 22887 feedbacks were collected for States/UTs by the Feedback Call Centre, out of the feedbacks collected, ~43% citizens expressed satisfaction with the resolution provided. The performance of States/UTs in the last 6 months, with respect to the satisfaction percentage of citizens is also present in the said report.
Uttar Pradesh has received the maximum number of grievances in May, 2024 with the number standing at 14317 grievances. 14 States/UTs have received more than 1000 grievances in the month of May, 2024. Uttar Pradesh and Assam disposed the maximum number of grievances in May, 2024, with the number standing at 18613 and 7607 grievances respectively. 13 States/UTs have disposed more than 1000 grievances in the month of May, 2024.
The report also includes the status of grants released under the Sevottam Scheme in the FY 2022-23 and FY 2023-24. 18 States are using the Sevottam Scheme Portal developed by DARPG. In the Financial Year 2023-24, 286 trainings have been completed in which 8973 officers has been trained from 18 States.
The report also features two success stories of effective grievance resolution from Bihar and Jharkhand.