The Government through its Tele-Lawinitiativeprovides pre-litigation advice and consultation to the citizens through a cadre of Panel Lawyers via tele-video conferencing facilities available at the Common Service Centers and throughCitizens’ Tele-Law Mobile Application. So far 854 Panel Lawyers have been on-boarded under Tele-Law.To maximize the benefits of Tele-Law reach to the vulnerable sections of society, law students in particularand students in general are motivated to volunteer and register as Para legal Volunteers (PLVs) on the Citizens’ Tele-Law Mobile App.
National Legal Service Authority (NALSA) conducts 3-weekinternshipprogramme for law students during summer and winter period of the year. The objective of the internship programme is that law interns get a comprehensive idea of the working of the Legal Services Institutions and the legal services programmes with regional focus. During this internship the students visit Central jail or Sub Jail and interact with the inmates to find out if they are represented by a counsel and find out the difficulties of inmates, observe the working of the Legal Services Clinics, visit Observation Home/Juvenile Justice Board/Child Welfare Committee/Drug Rehabilitation Centre/District Courts including Magisterial, Sessions and Civil courts and police stations and look at the role of the legal services lawyers in these institutions. The students also attend and participate in Legal Literacy/Legal awareness programmes. On successful completion of the internship a certificate is issued to the law interns.
This information was given by the Minister for Law and Justice, Shri Kiren Rijiju in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.