UN Resolution on Syria Chemical Attack

Russia has vetoed a UN resolution condemning the reported use of chemical weapons in Syria and urging a speedy investigation.

The resolution, which aimed to bolster support for international inquiries into a deadly toxic gas attack in Khan Sheikhoun, was being pushed by the US, Britain and France.

While 10 nations voted in favour, Russia and Bolivia vetoed the resolution, while China, Kazakhstan and Ethiopia abstained.

It marks the eighth time Russia has vetoed a vote on a Syria resolution.

Earlier Scientists told UN Security Council they had found sarin in samples taken from the site of an alleged chemical gas attack, while Turkey also claimed to have found evidence of sarin gas use after testing the bodies of the victims.

The majority of the international community has blamed the attack in Idlib province, which killed 87 people including many children, on Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad.

The Syrian government has denied involvement in the toxic attack, blaming rebel groups.