The UN Trust Fund for International Cooperation in Tax Matters (the UN Tax Fund) received its first financial voluntary contribution from India.
India has contributed $ 100,000 to this UN fund. Now India has become the first country to make the contribution.
The Trust Fund for International Cooperation in Tax Matters was established in July 2006, in order to support the activities of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters.
The Trust Fund now seeks voluntary contributions, in order to support the activities of the Committee’s active Subcommittees, including the updates to the United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention between Developed and Developing Countries and the Manual for the Negotiation of Bilateral Tax Treaties between Developed and Developing Countries, preparation of the United Nations Manual on Transfer Pricing, as well as making recommendations on capacity-building and providing technical assistance.
The UN Tax Trust Fund aims to support the work of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters (the UN Tax Committee).
The call for contributions was also emphasised in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda adopted at the third International Conference on Financing for Development in 2015.
The UN Tax Committee, a subsidiary body of the UN Economic and Social Council (ESOSOC), has provided guidance on current issues such as double taxation treaties, transfer pricing (profit shifting) taxation of the extractive industries and taxation of services.
The Addis Agenda provides a global framework to ensure the effective mobilisation of resources at the national and international level for sustainable development.
Implementation of the Addis Agenda supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the historic and transformational agenda that countries unanimously adopted in 2015.