Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Government of India, Shri Parshottam Rupala, visited the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir for review meeting with a vision and objective to strengthen the fisheries sector development including other works.
Shri Parshottam Rupala also distributed 28 sanction orders among beneficiaries for setting up aquaculture development units under PMMSY and Aquaculture development plan, 12 bikes among the beneficiaries for AI coverage at Baramulla under aspirational district programme, Kisan Credit Card (KCC), where fishermen can take loan from the banks and inaugurate fishermen of MBUs (UTCAPX Plan) along with VETs, PARA-VETS under aspirational district programme.
Shri Parshottam Rupala, addressed regarding the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojna (PMMSY) scheme and other multidimensional activities of blue revolution with major focus on increasing fisheries production and productivity (for both inland, marine and cold water fisheries) and its associated activities, including infrastructure development, Marketing, Exports, and institutional arrangements, etc. In this regard, the review meeting was chaired by him at Dak Bungalow Baramulla. Shri Rupala interacted with the dignitaries/officers (DDCS, BDC, PRIS, Civil Society, District Officer, Sectoral Officers), beneficiaries of PMMSY and KCC. Further, he highlighted about the implementation of PMMSY scheme in all the States and Union Territories and talked in detail about addressing the value chain of fisheries through implementation of schemes such as PMMSY and KCC for beneficiaries, fish farmers & fishermen.
Shri Rupala enlightened about achievements of Department of Fisheries such as establishment of 2 new Freshwater Finfish Hatcheries, establishment of 3 new Trout fish Hatcheries, construction of 27 hectares of ponds under area expansion for aquaculture sanctioned, integrated development of 2 small reservoirs., construction of 650 new Raceways, establishment of 28 RAS and 77 Bio-floc tanks, Ornamental Breeding and Rearing units, construction of 8 new Fish feed mills, 55 post-harvest transportation units (including 30 motorcycle with ice boxes and 25 three wheelers with ice boxes) sanctioned, 25 replacement boats and nets for traditional fishermen, livelihood and nutritional support for 33682 socio-economically backward active traditional fishers’ families during fishing ban/lean period.
Further he threw light on the financial achievements under the fisheries sector for Blue Revolution, PMMSY, KCC with a total targeted investment of Rs 226 Crore and central fund allocation of Rs 145 Crore.
Beneficiaries, fish farmers and fishermen interacted with Union Minister Shri Parshottam Rupala. This interactive session helped to come out with their issues being faced and the same will be worked upon for improvement of fisheries sector.