V O Chidambaranar Port Trust in Chennai created a new record for single day handling of cargo, when it handled 36,526 Metric Tonnes of thermal coal at the berth NCB-I from the vessel MV. Asian Champion.
The previous single day record was 35,656 Metric Tonnes of thermal coal at the same berth from the vessel MV. Tentenc on 30.10.2016.
V.O.Chidambaranar Port, formerly Tuticorin Port, is one of the 12 major ports in India. It was declared to be a major port on 11 July 1974. It is second-largest port in Tamil Nadu and fourth-largest container terminal in India.
After Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project V.O.C Port will be India’s premier port and one of the major ports of Asia equal to Port of Singapore. V.O.Chidambaram Port is an artificial port. This is the third international port in Tamil Nadu and its second all-weather port.