Various initiatives under the Special Campaign 3.0 at the Ministry of Education

azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Ministry of Education has been conducting the Special Campaign 3.0. The main focus areas of the Campaign include effective disposal of public grievances, references from Members of Parliament, Parliament assurances, cleanliness drive in the workplace and around the premise, disposal of scrap and weeding out of files.

Department of School Education & Literacy (DoSE&L), Ministry of Education is actively conducting the Special Campaign 3.0 on Swachhata, encompassing both the Ministry and its Autonomous Bodies (ABs) across the country. The initiative commenced with a preparatory phase on 15 September 2023, aimed at identifying specific targets to be taken up for cleaning for the main phase of the campaign, which is being conducted from 2nd October 2023 to 31st October 2023. The primary focus of this campaign is to enhance space management in offices and create awareness among the masses about Swachhata.

Since the beginning of the preparatory phase of the Special campaign, DoSE&L along with its ABs have identified various cleanliness sites across the country. On 18 September, 2023, Secretary, DoSE&L, Shri Sanjay Kumar administered the Swachhata pledge and Panch Pran to all officials of this Ministry and emphasized the importance of inspiring students to take the Panch Pran pledge. This effort aligns with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s vision of propelling India towards development through collective efforts.

Dedicated Nodal Officers have been assigned to all the Autonomous Bodies and meetings are conducted for regular monitoring of the progress in achieving the target set by the Ministry. All the Autonomous Bodies of DoSE&L, students, teachers and parents are enthusiastically participating in the campaign and celebrating it as a cleanliness festival.

The targets finalized and actions in progress on various parameters are as below:

Sl. No.




Number of Files to be Reviewed



Number of Files Identified for weeding out



Number of Campaigns  to be conducted



Number of Pending references from MPs



Number of Pending Parliamentary Assurance



Number of Pending IMC References



 Number of Pending State Government References



 Number of Pending Public Grievances



 Number of Pending Public Grievance Appeals



 Number of Pending PMO References



● Out of 37,201 physical files identified for review, 13,087 files have been reviewed, and 10,787 physical files have been identified for weeding out and 6082 files stand weeded out.

● More than 289 tweets on X (formerly known as Twitter) and more than 194 posts on Facebook and Instagram have been posted by the official social media handles of the Ministry and its Autonomous Bodies to promote campaign awareness.

● The cleanliness campaign is in full swing and has been conducted at 8652 sites across schools and institutions to achieve the Ministry’s targets during this period.

On the launch of the month-long Special Campaign 3.0, the Ministry of Education, housed at Shastri Bhawan was cleaned of unused and broken furniture. A centralized dump yard with an enclosure has been created where unused furniture and fixtures are transported at periodic intervals and disposed of as per the laid down procedure. A centralized E-Waste store was created where end-of-life IT equipment such as computer systems, printers, photocopiers etc. are transported at periodic intervals.

Plans are in motion for setting up a waste recycling facility at the Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi, which houses a cluster of Ministries and departments. In the centralized plant waste papers will be recycled following standard procedure.




Source PIB