WTO Goods Council Elects New Heads of its Subsidiary Bodies

The WTO Goods Council approved a list of new chairs to the 13 subsidiary bodies that report to the Council.

Market Access Committee: Mr Ahmed El Libedy (Egypt)
Agriculture Committee: Mr Alf Vederhus (Norway)
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Committee: Mr Marcial Espínola Ramirez (Paraguay)
Technical Barriers to Trade Committee: Mr Jose Manuel Campos Abad (Chile)
Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) Committee: Mr Ali Alwaleed Al-Thani (Qatar)
Anti-dumping Practices Committee: Mr Faisal Saud Sulaiman Al-Nabhani (Oman)
Customs Valuation Committee: Ms María Luciana Nader Leandri (Uruguay)
Rules of Origin Committee: Mr Gerald Pajuelo (Peru)
Import Licensing Committee: Mr Fawaz Almuballi (Saudi Arabia)
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Committee: Ms Ieva Baršauskaitė (Lithuania)
Committee on Safeguards: Mr Kensuke Tsunoda (Japan)
Working Group on State Trading Enterprises: Ms Rike Octaviana (Indonesia)
Information Technology Agreement (ITA): Ms Zsófia Tvaruskó (Hungary)

Aside from these 13 bodies, the newly created Committee on Trade Facilitation will also be reporting to the Goods Council.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) covers international trade in goods. The workings of the GATT agreement are the responsibility of the Council for Trade in Goods (Goods Council) which is made up of representatives from all WTO member countries. The current chair is Ambassador CHOI KYONGLIM (South Korea).

The WTO Goods Council or WTO Council for Trade in Goods (CTG) oversees the activities of 12 committees:
Antidumping Practices
Customs Valuation
Import Licensing Procedures
Information Technology
Market Access
Rules of Origin
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures
Technical Barriers to Trade
Trade-related Investment Measures (TRIMS)
Working Party on State Trading Enterprises

The CTG is the forum for discussing issues and decisions which may ultimately require the attention of the General Council for resolution or a higher-level discussion, and for putting issues in a broader context of the rules and disciplines that apply to trade in goods.