The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has shared glimpses of his recent visit to Mandya, Karnataka and said that Mandya was amazing. The people’s affection will always be cherished.
In response to a tweet by Member of Parliament from Mandya, Karnataka, Smt. Sumalatha Ambareesh, the Prime Minister tweeted;
“Mandya was amazing! The people’s affection will always be cherished.”
Mandya was amazing! The people’s affection will always be cherished.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 13, 2023
Furthermore responding to the tweet by a citizen, Rangaraj Bindiganavile, the Prime Minister said;
“Karnataka is a powerhouse of development, contributing to the nation in so many sectors. It is an honour to serve the people of this great state.”
Karnataka is a powerhouse of development, contributing to the nation in so many sectors. It is an honour to serve the people of this great state.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 13, 2023