Government of India has approved and notified National AYUSH Mission (NAM) on 29th September 2014 in the States/UTs during 12th Plan.
The basic objective of NAM is to promote AYUSH medical systems through cost effective AYUSH services, strengthening of educational institutions, facilitate the enforcement of quality control of Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani& Homoeopathy (ASU&H) drugs and sustainable availability of ASU&H raw materials.
Under NAM, there is provision for financial assistance to States/UTs for its different components/activities.
The three new Institutes viz. All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy, Shillong and North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh are in advance stage of construction. The details of these Institutes are as under:-
(i) All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA), New Delhi.
An apex Institute of Ayurveda with 200 bedded referral hospital to impart education in the field of Ayurveda at M.D. and Ph.Dlevel.
(ii) North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda & Homoeopathy (NEIAH), Shillong:
A state of the art Institute consisting of Ayurveda College and Homoeopathy College along with attached hospital of Ayurveda and Homoeopathy of 100 beds and 50 beds. The institute will provide under-graduate, post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral teaching.
(iii)North Eastern Institute of Folk Medicine(NEIFM), Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh:
It is a Centre of Excellence and Apex Research Centre for all aspects of Folk Medicine knowledge with linkage and collaboration with other research. The objective of the Institute is to provide better medical/clinical facilities in North Eastern Region.
Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission (NAM), Government of India provided financial assistance to the tune of Rs.1688.88 lakhs to the Government of Rajasthan in current financial year for different components/activities under NAM, as per their State Annual Action Plan.
In addition, a sum of Rs.320.17 Lakhs has been provided to the State Government of Rajasthan under Central Sector Scheme of “Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants” in the current financial year.