Circle Level Pension Adalat to be held on September 29, 2023

azadi ka amrit mahotsav

Goa, 28 August 2023 


The Chief Postmaster General, Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai will be holding the 53rd Postal Pension Adalat for pensioners/family pensioners of the Postal Department on September 29, 2023, at 11.00 AM, in the Office of Chief Postmaster General, Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai -400 001.

Grievances regarding pensionary benefits pertaining to those who retired/died while in service from Department of Posts, Pensioners of Postal Department, Maharashtra and Goa States, which have not been settled within 3 months, will only be entertained in the Postal Pension Adalat.

Cases involving purely legal points i.e. succession, Notional pension, TBOP/MACP Promotion, stepping up of pay and disciplinary cases involving policy matters and cases pending for review of DPC will not be considered in Pension Adalat.


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PIB Panaji | S.Thakur/D.Rane

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Source PIB