Coal Production in India: Latest Statistics

All India coal production has increased from 565.77 MT in 2013-14 to 639.23 MT in 2015-16. On account of increased production by Coal India Ltd. (CIL) in 2015-16, coal imports have fallen from 217.78 MTs in 2014-15 to 199.88 MTs in 2015-16.

A roadmap has been prepared by CIL to substantially enhance production of coal by 2019-20. This includes capacity addition from new projects, use of mass production technologies and identification of existing on-going projects with growth potential. As a result, all India coal production has increased.

The focus of the Government is on increasing the domestic production which includes efforts to expedite Environment clearances & Forest clearances expeditiously, pursuing with State Government for assistance in land acquisition and coordinated effort with Railways for movement of coal.

As per the current import policy, coal is kept under Open General License (OGL) and consumers are free to import coal from the source of their choice as per their contractual prices on payment of applicable duty.

The quantity and value of imported coal during the last five years is given below.

Year Quantity in MT. Value in million Rs.
201112 102.85 788376
201213  145.79 868455
201314 166.86 923292
201415 217.78 1045066
201516 199.88 845035