France Launches Its Climate Change Plan

France’s minister of the environment Nicolas Hulot has unveiled a detailed a plan that includes ending the sale of fossil fuel-powered cars by 2040.

The effective ban will be achieved through a mix of financial incentives for alternative fuel vehicles, and increased taxes on older, internal combustion cars.

France’s environmental plan also includes instituting a carbon tax, and ending the issuance of new licenses for discovering new local sources of oil.

France will also incentivize renewable energy creation which should help make sure that EVs are powered by a grid that itself is mostly stocked by green energy sources.

With the aim of limiting global warming to below 2ºC, the Paris Agreement sets an ambitious target, and France through the Climate Plan is speeding up the operational implementation of the Paris Agreement and will exceed its initial targets through six areas of action:
– Making implementation of the Paris Agreement irreversible;
– Improving the daily lives of all French people;
– Doing away with fossil fuels and committing to carbon neutrality;
– Making France number one in the green economy;
– Bringing out the potential of ecosystems and agriculture;
– Stepping up international mobilization on climate diplomacy.