IAS Toppers Suggested Books for Prelims [Download Now]

Are you undecided about whether or not you need IAS coaching? Then read this post to learn about the success tales of top students who did not seek exam coaching.

Many people with such abilities have passed the exam without any help, and you could be one of them.

Many people work really hard and get their ideal career without receiving sufficient training. Take a look at the UPSC top scorer who achieved it all on his own!

When it comes to preparing a UPSC booklist for Civil Services, you may find yourself buying every book that is present in the book store. But wait, you need to shortlist and get your hands on the right ones. So, when you sit with those books to finally read, many-a-times thoughts like “too many books, too little time” make you feel distraught!

Hence, to make you worry a little less and study a little more, we have compiled an exhaustive booklist for UPSC that is recommended by toppers. You should follow only a specific UPSC book list in order to ensure you’re not digressing too much from the core syllabus. Please note that you do not have to read all the books in their entirety.

Books for CSAT

Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning – RS Agarwal


Quicker Maths by M.Tyra

English Grammar & Composition Wren & Martin

Books for GS Paper

Complete Set of 10 General Studies Books by BestCurrentAffairs.com

Download GS Booklet

Out of the vast amount of study materials available both online and offline, it is crucial that the candidates select the best books for UPSC IAS preparation.

IAS toppers recommend that aspirant start their UPSC preparation with NCERT books and then move on to the standard reference books.

The best IAS books can vary from candidate to candidate depending on their previous expertise and knowledge of the subject matter. However, the books for UPSC recommended by experts are listed in this article subject-wise.

Choosing the right IAS exam books online for different stages of the UPSC exam is quite important. The UPSC Prelims comprises only objective type questions while the IAS Mains contains descriptive essay type question papers.

Not only should the candidates be selective about the UPSC preparation books but also divide the reading list into Prelims and Mains preparation.