India-Australia Maritime Exercise ‘AUSINDEX’

Indian Naval Ships Jyoti, Shivalik and Kamorta are on a port visit to Freemantle, Australia from 13 June to 17 June 2017.

AUSINDEX-17, a bilateral maritime exercise between the two navies would also be held as part of the visit.

This would be the second edition of the exercise with the maiden edition having been conducted at Visakhapatnam in 2015.

The exercises aim to increase interoperability and are in consonance with the growing cooperation between the two countries.

Indian Naval assets have been increasingly deployed in recent times to address the main maritime concerns of the region.

In addition, as part of the Indian Government’s vision of SAGAR (Security and Growth for All in the Region), the Indian Navy has also been involved in assisting countries in the Indian Ocean Region with EEZ Surveillance, Search and Rescue, and other capacity-building and capability-enhancement activities.

The current deployment will contribute towards the Indian Navy’s efforts to consolidate inter-operability and forge strong bonds of friendship across the Seas.