India Bangladesh to Share Intelligence

India and Bangladesh agreed to share information on terrorists as home secretaries of the two neighbours concluded their talks here reviewing internal security and other cross-border issues.

The two home secretaries met a day after the Joint Working Group of Indian and Bangladesh home ministries reviewed internal security and cross-border issues.

Both the delegations comprised representatives of the paramilitary border forces, police, customs and foreign offices of the two countries.

Official talks between the two home ministries come less than a week after extradition of separatist United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) leader Anup Chetia from Bangladesh and subsequent deportation of one of Bangladesh’s most wanted criminals, Nur Hossain, from India.

The issue of Bangladeshi nationals being detained by Indian border forces was a major issue of the talks while both the countries have agreed to reduce such incidents to zero figure.

Cross-border drug smuggling was another major issue of the talks and “being a non-narcotics producing country Bangladesh sought Indian cooperation in this regard”.

Indian side earlier raised the issues of the influx of fake Indian currency, cattle smuggling, and illegal infiltration and sought Bangladesh’s cooperation to completely stop these.

India thanked Bangladesh for deporting Chetia and asked for extradition of other Indian criminals from the country.