Indo-Nepal Mechanism to Control Floods in Rainy Season

The rivers flowing from Nepal to India are causing floods in India, mainly in the States of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. The major rivers causing such floods are Sarada, Ghaghra, Gandak, Kosi and Rapti.

The management of floods due to these rivers has been a concern. The related issues are discussed in the existing Indo-Nepal bilateral three tier mechanisms comprising of (i) Joint Ministerial Level Commission on Water Resources (JMCWR) (ii) Joint Committee on Water Resources (JCWR) and (iii) Joint Standing Technical Committee (JSTC).

Government of India is having continuous dialogue with the Government of Nepal for construction of dams on these rivers for mutual benefit of the two countries which includes flood control. Broad outcomes of the dialogues mechanism are given below:

i) Pancheshwar Development Authority (PDA) has been set up jointly by India and Nepal for execution, operation and maintenance of the Pancheshwar Multipurpose Project on river Sarada. The draft final DPR of the project has been prepared by M/s WAPCOS Limited.

ii) Survey and investigation including preparation of DPR of Sapta Kosi High Dam Project and Sun Kosi Storage-cum-Diversion scheme proposed in the Sapta Kosi basin in Nepal has been undertaken jointly by India and Nepal.