Integrated Case Management Information System Launched

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Supreme Court’s Integrated Case Management System.

The system will help litigants access data and retrieve information online and will be a step towards a paperless Supreme Court.

The Integrated Case Management Information System or ICMIS is described as the next generation hybrid database which is used to better enable litigants to access and retrieve information online.

ICMIS will provide information on:
1. Next tentative date of listing generated through e-process
2. Categories and Acts & Section
3. Objections in Defective matters
4. Interlocutory Application/Documents
5. Office Reports
6. Listing dates
7. Judgement/Orders
8. Appearance information of accused.
9. Tracking of file movement
10. Status of the notice issued

The new system, aimed at serving as a digital repository for case-related information, can be accessed at

Its functions include the option of e-filing cases, checking listing dates, case status, online service of notice/summons, office reports and overall tracking of progress of a case filed with the apex court registry.

It will operate as an online gateway for payment of court fee and process fee. Other features offered under the new system include an online court fee calculator. This is expected to streamline the filing process for both the advocates and the registry.

With the help of a new software, High Court will be able to access the case records and it will reduce the repetition of case data entries in the Supreme Court.

The system will help usher transparency, reduce manipulation and help the litigant know about the progress of the case on a real time basis.

All records of a particular case—at various stages—at the district court or high court will be integrated with the system to offer the complete record in digital form. In the future, linking of information on jail inmates and under-trials may be integrated into the system.