International Kullu Dussehra Festival

The week-long International Kullu Dussehra festival would commence on October 11.

Annual congregation of over 200 local deities of the Kullu Valley, who converge at Dhalpur Maidan to pay obeisance to Raghunathji, presiding deity of the valley, would be witnessed during the festival.

The festival would also witness the ‘Trans Himalayan Culture Festival’ for which efforts were afoot to invite cultural troupes from the hill regions of the country, including Leh-Ladakh, Arunachal, Manipur etc.

Traditional ‘Laldi’ folk dance will be revived during the ‘International Kullu Dussehra festival’.

A committee would also be re-constituted to organise ‘Grameen Khel Utsav’ (Rural Sports) comprising of local teams, in which rural games as Kabbadi, Volleyball, Tug-of-war, will be held.

The ‘Kullu Dussehra’ is known for its local demigods and ancient age old traditions that govern the lives of the ethnic communities inhabiting the lower Himalayan belts and celebrated since times immemorial.

The festival was a platform to showcase the rich culture of Himachal Pradesh and all local deities should be invited.