List of Products Developed by DRDO

A list of products developed by DRDO during last two years (2014, 2015) and the current year (2016) for defence and civilian use is given below:
• 120 mm FSAPDS Mk-II Ammunition for MBT Arjun
• 120 mm FSAPDS Practice Ammunition for MBT Arjun
• 250 Kg Pre-fragmented Bomb
• 46m Inflatable Radome
• Abhay Sonar
• Air Bursting Grenades for Individual Weapons
• Akash Weapon System
• Anti Torpedo Decoys
• Anti-Torpedo Decoy System (Maareech)
• Bar Mine Layer
• CBRNe Remotely Operated Platforms
• Commander’s Non-Panoramic TI Sight for AFVs (T-90, T-72 & BMP-II)
• Computerized Pilot Selection System
• Dual Colour Missile Approach Warning System for Fighter Aircraft
• Electro-Optical Fire Control System for Naval Ships
• Electro-Optical Sensors for Airborne Platforms
• Enhanced Range Rocket (Pinaka Mk-II)
• EW Suite for Fighter Aircraft
• Exotic and Indigenous Varieties of Vegetables under Protected Environment
• G-band CC-TWT for Weapon Locating Radar
• Heavy Drop System – 16T
• High Speed Heavy Weight Ship Launched Torpedo (Varunastra)
• Hull Mounted Sonar (HUMSA)
• Integrated Automotive Vetronics Systems for AFVs
• Ku-Band MPM based Transmitter for Airborne Radar
• Laser Target Designator with Thermal Imager for Air Force
• Medium Power Radar for IAF
• Medium Size Integrated Aerostat Surveillance System
• Minefield Marking Equipment Mk-II
• Mountain Foot Bridge
• Multi Calibre Individual Weapon System
• Multi-Influence Ground Mine
• NBC Technologies
• Penetration-cum-Blast
• Sub-Munition Warheads for Pinaka
• Synthetic Aperture Radar for UAV
• Terrain Assessment System for Trans-border Deserts in Western Sector
• Thermo-Baric Ammunition for 120 mm Arjun Tank
• Upgraded Troposcatter Communication System for IAF
• Vehicle Mounted High Power Laser Directed Energy System Against RPVs/UAVs/DRONES
• Water Mist System Validation for Fire Protection in Naval Ships

(DRDO) has developed various nutritious and protein-rich foods to cater the requirements of Service personnel deployed at high altitude and snow bound areas.

The major protein food products developed by DRDO are: Protein-rich bars; Energy-rich bars; Protein-rich instant Halwa-mix, Upma-mix; and Protein-rich Chapattis.