Madhukar Gupta Committee Submits Report

The Madhukar Gupta Committee on border protection has submitted its report to the Home Minister Rajnath Singh.

The Committee headed by former Home Secretary Madhukar Gupta was appointed in April, this year for strengthening border protection and addressing the issue of gaps and vulnerability in border fencing along Indo-Pakistan Border.

The panel has made a detailed study on threat perception, field visits and made a detailed recommendations pertaining to strengthening of border protection on Indo-Pakistan Border.

Use of scientific technology and heightened vigil on riverine frontiers while guarding the Indo-Pak border are among the suggestions given by committee which also flagged gaps and vulnerability in border fencing.

The committee suggested that scientific methods like laser walls could not be installed in many infiltration-prone areas where due to treacherous terrain or marshy riverine fencing could not be installed so far.

The committee has given separate recommendations for four states which touch the international border with Pakistan as each state has separate topography and problems.

Of the 3,323 km long Indo-Pak border, 1,225 kms falls in Jammu and Kashmir (including Line of Control), 553 kms in Punjab, 1,037 kms in Rajasthan and 508 kms in Gujarat.