Mumbai, 01 January, 2021
Maharashtra Postal Circle presented “DAK SEVA AWARD 2020” to its employees at Mumbai G.P.O. today, on 1st January 2021.
Six officials who rendered Meritorious Services during the COVID-19 pandemic were felicitated by Chief Postmaster General, Maharashtra Circle, Shri H.C. Agrawal, with cash prize of Rs.5000/-, a medal and a certificate.
Dak Seva Award 2020, awardees are:
Shri Babusing B. Nakoriya, GDS BPM Indora B. O. Nagpur MFL Division.
Shri Rajendra E. Panchal, Driver, Grade I, MMS, Mumbai
Shri Chatur C. Nimkar, Postal Assistant / ME, Mumbai South Division
Shri Jayant S. Daoo, ASP, Nagpur MFL Division
Shri Santoshkumar S. Kulkarni, AD (PSR), Circle Office Mumbai
Shri Ghansham M. Nandanwar, SSRM, Air Mail Sorting Division, Mumbai
Shri H.C. Agrawal, also inaugurated ‘Maharashtra Stamp Gallery’ at Circle Office Mumbai. Blowups and big size images of around 150-200 special Postage stamps are mounted on walls which give a unique look to the passage. This gallery will prove to be very useful to the Philatelist and Students. Visitors can visit the Gallery on any working day between 10.00 to 17.00 hrs.
Smt. Shobha Madhale PMG(NMR), Shri Ganesh Sawaleshwarkar PMG (Mails &BD), Smt Swati Pandey PMG (MR), Shri Vijay Kumar GM(F) and Ms. Kaiya Arora DPS (HQ) of Maharashtra Postal Circle were also present for the function.
‘Dak Seva Award’ is a State level award given to Postal Staff in recognition of their Meritorious Services.
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