‘New India 2022’ Conference

The President of India Ram Nath Kovind presided over a two-day Conference of Governors at Rashtrapati Bhavan. This was the 48th such Conference to be held in Rashtrapati Bhavan.

The two-day Conference deliberated on important agenda items in different sessions.

The theme of the opening session was the ‘New India-2022’. India will complete 75 years of independence in 2022. ‘New India 2022’ requires a number of initiatives in infrastructure to cater to the needs of citizens of the country.

Similarly, to build ‘New India 2022’, emphasis has to be given on various services viz. access to quality education, training and skill development, healthcare, cleanliness, open-defecation free cities and villages, pollution free environment, safety and security of citizens, etc.

The Vice President and the Prime Minister attended the sessions and addressed the conference.

The first session of the Conference started with a presentation by NITI Aayog on the possible elements of ‘New India 2022’. Then the Governors had detailed deliberations on the subjects of ‘Infrastructure for New India 2022’ and ‘Public Services for New India 2022’ in two groups.

The second session was on the subjects of ‘Higher Education in States’ and ‘Skill Development and Entrepreneurship to Make Youth Employable’.