“Paryavaran Bhawan” located in CGO Complex, New Delhi has been renamed as Pandit Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan.
Earlier, the Ministry of Environment and Forests was a major occupant of the Building and therefore, it was appropriately called ‘Paryavaran Bhawan’.
However, the Ministry of Environment & Forests moved to its own separate premises on 14th June, 2014.
The decision to re-name the building as Pt. Deendayal ‘Antyodaya Bhawan’ has been taken to highlight the Antyodaya Philosophy of Pt. Deendayal who advocated the upliftment of the poorest and the most under-privileged strata of the Society.
Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya advocated the philosophy of ‘Integral Humanism’ which developed Body, Mind and Soul and reconciled Socialism and Capitalism.
The other Departments in the Building include Defence, Central Police Organisations and National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) which also work towards the strengthening and integrity of the Nation.