PM addresses Matua Dharma Maha Mela 2022 at ShreedhamThakurnagar, Thakurbari, West Bengal on the occasion of 211th birth anniversary of Shree ShreeHarichand Thakur ji


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressed Matua Dharma Maha Mela 2022 at ShreedhamThakurnagar, Thakurbari, West Bengal on the occasion of 211th birth anniversary of Shree ShreeHarichand Thakur ji, today via video conferencing.


The Prime Minister recalled his happiness on being able to pay his obeisance at OrakandiThakurbari in Bangladesh in March 2021 also February 2019 whenhe had the opportunity to visit Thakurnagar.


The Prime Minister emphasized that Matua Dharma Maha Mela is an occasion to bow to the Matua tradition, foundation of which was laid by Shree ShreeHarichand Thakur ji and further nurtured by Guruchand Thakur ji and Boro Ma. The Prime Minister also credited his Council of Minister colleague Shri Shantanu Thakur for taking forward the great tradition.

Shri Modi termed the Maha Mela a reflection of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. The Prime Minister said that our culture and civilization is great due to its continuous flow and continuity and has a natural tendency to self-regenerate.  Noting the social work of the leaders of the Matua community, the Prime Minister talked about New India’s effort to provide cleanliness, health, and self-confidence to the daughters of the country. “When we see our sisters and daughters in every sphere of society contributing to nation building along with sons, then it feels like true tribute to great personalities like Shree ShreeHarichand Thakur ji”, the Prime Minister added.


The Prime Minister said “When the government takes the government schemes to the people on the basis of SabkaSaath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, and when, SabkaPrayas drives the development of the nation, then we move towards building an inclusive society”. Remembering Shree ShreeHarichand Thakur ji’s emphasis on duty alongside the divine love, the Prime Minister stressed the role of duties in the civic life. “We have to make this sense of duty as the basis for the development of the nation.Our constitution gives us many rights.We can protect those rights only when we perform our duties honestly”, the Prime Minister said.


The Prime Minister called upon the Matua community to raise awareness to remove corruption at every level in society. “If anyone is being harassed anywhere, then definitely raise your voice there. It is our duty towards the society and also towards the nation”, said the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister further said “It is our democratic right to participate in political activities.But because of political opposition, if someone intimidates someone with violence, then it is a violation of the rights of others.Therefore, it is our duty that if the mentality of violence, anarchy exists anywhere in the society, then it should be opposed.


The Prime Minister reiterated his call for swachhta, vocal for local and mantra of -Nation First.




    Source PIB