Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Visit to USA

Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid an official visit to USA in June 2017. There he met USA President Donald Trump who hosted Indian Prime Minister in White House.

In marking 70 years of diplomatic relations between India and the United States, both leaders resolved to expand and deepen the strategic partnership between the countries and advance common objectives.

As responsible stewards in the Indo-Pacific region, President Trump and Prime Minister Modi agreed that a close partnership between the United States and India is central to peace and stability in the region.

President Trump welcomed further Indian contributions to promote Afghanistan’s democracy, stability, prosperity, and security.

The leaders called on Pakistan to ensure that its territory is not used to launch terrorist attacks on other countries.

President Trump and Prime Minister Modi pledged to deepen defense and security cooperation, building on the United States’ recognition of India as a Major Defense Partner.

Reflecting the partnership, the United States has offered for India’s consideration the sale of Sea Guardian Unmanned Aerial Systems, which would enhance India’s capabilities and promote shared security interests.

Resolving to expand their maritime security cooperation, the leaders announced their intention to build on the implementation of their “White Shipping” data sharing arrangement, which enhances collaboration on maritime domain awareness.

President Trump welcomed Prime Minister Modi’s strong support for the United States to join as an Observer in the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium. Noting the importance of the upcoming MALABAR naval exercise, the leaders determined to expand their engagements on shared maritime objectives and to explore new exercises.

As global nonproliferation partners, the United States expressed strong support for India’s early membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Wassenaar Arrangement, and the Australia Group.

President Trump reaffirmed the support of the United States for India’s permanent membership on a reformed U.N. Security Council.

Applauding the entrepreneurship and innovation of Indians and Indian-Americans that have directly benefitted both nations, President Trump welcomed India’s formal entry into the International Expedited Traveler Initiative (Global Entry program) in order to facilitate closer business and educational ties between the citizens of India and the United States.