PSU Banks Gets New Directors

Former CMD of Exim Bank TCA Ranganathan has been appointed as Chairman of Indian Overseas Bank.

Sunil Mehta has been appointed as non-executive chairman of Punjab National Bank.

N Damodharan, General Manager, Bank of Baroda, has been elevated to the position of Executive Director in the same bank.

K Swaminathan, General Manager, Indian Overseas Bank, has been appointed as Executive Director in the same bank.

Ashok Kumar Pradhan, Chief General Manager at State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur, has been appointed as Executive Director at United Bank of India.

Atanu Kumar Das, General Manager, Vijaya Bank, has been appointed as Executive Director of Bank of India.

P Ramana Murthy, General Manager, Allahabad Bank, has been appointed as Executive Director of Central Bank of India.

Fareed Ahmed, General Manager, Corporation Bank, has been appointed as Executive Director at Punjab & Sind Bank.

MK Bhattacharya, Chief General Manager, State Bank of Mysore, has been appointed as Executive Director at Indian Bank.

S Harishankar, Chief General Manager, State Bank of Travancore, has been appointed as Executive Director at Allahabad Bank.

The Centre has also appointed AC Rout as Executive Director at Bank of Maharashtra.