Railways Releases Water Management Policy

Minister of Railways Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu released New Water Management Policy in Indian Railways.

Indian Railways, the lifeline of the country, carrying 23 million passengers every day is the largest passenger carrying system in the world. It is also the single largest consumer of natural resources, at the same time also a major contributor to green environment due to reduced GHG emissions.

Indian Railways had been taking a number of steps to become further environment friendly. Indian Railways have now finalized a water management policy which covers all aspects of water use, recycling, conservation and recharge of groundwater. This is a progressive and creative policy where field units will be motivated to recycle and save water.

The objective is to improve water use efficiency by setting up water Recycling Plants, Rain Water Harvesting Plants, Sewage Treatment Plants and effluent treatment plants on Railway Land. Another forward looking provision is participation of private players for recycling water for non-potable usage on BOOT basis.