The 192nd Meeting of Employees’ State Insurance Corporation was held today at ESIC Headquarters under the Chairmanship of Shri Bhupender Yadav, Union Minister for Labour and Employment, Environment, Forest and Climate Change and Chairman, ESIC. Shri Rameswar Teli, Union Minister of State for Labour & Employment, Petroleum and Natural Gas graced the meeting as Vice-Chairman.
During the meeting, the following important decisions directed towards availability of medical care and cash benefits to Insured Workers and their family members were taken:
Rate of Permanent Disablement Benefit (PDB) and Dependant’s Benefit (DB) increased under ESI Scheme
In order to neutralise the impact of inflation, the proposal to increase the basic rate of Permanent Disablement Benefit (PDB) and Dependant’s Benefit (DB) was approved by ESI Corporation. The PDB is paid at the rate of 90% of wages in the form of monthly payment depending upon the extent of loss of earning capacity as certified by a Medical Board. The DB is paid at the rate of 90% of wage in the form of monthly payment to the dependants of a deceased Insured person in cases where death occurs due to employment injury or occupational hazards.
9 new ESI hospitals in the state of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand and 17 new ESI dispensaries in Gujarat to be set up under ESI Scheme
With the vision to improve the healthcare infrastructure, the proposal for setting up 09 new ESIC Hospitals in the state of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttarakhand and 17 new dispensaries in Gujarat was approved.
Number of beds to be increased in the ESIC hospital, Bibvewadi, Maharashtra, and ESIC hospital, Rourkela, Odisha
The sanctioned bed strength is set to increase from 100 to 120 and from 75 to 150 in ESIC hospital, Bibvewadi, Maharashtra and ESIC Hospital, Rourkela, Odish, respectively; as ESI Corporation accorded the approval for the same during the meeting.
ESIC Hospial, Andheri, Mumbai to be upgraded as Multi Super Specialty Hospital
To provide all the super specialty treatment facilities hassle free & under one roof, the proposal for development of ESIC Hospital, Andheri, Maharashtra as Multi-Specialty hospital with the capacity of 500 beds was approved. This step is taken to modernize the facilities in the hospital to provide IPs and their dependants with modern treatment facilities.
Audited Annual Accounts 2022-23 and Annual Report 2022-23 of ESIC adopted by ESI Corporation for placing the same before the Parliament
The Annual Accounts of the Corporation for the year 2022-23 together with the report of CAG and Annual Report of ESI Corporation for the year 2022-23 along with its analysis were approved and adopted by the ESI Corporation during the meeting.
Ms. Arti Ahuja, Secretary (L&E), Ms. Dola Sen, MP, Shri Ram Kirpal Yadav, MP, Shri Khagen Murmu, MP, Dr. Rajendra Kumar, Director General, ESIC attended the meeting alongwith Principal Secretaries/Secretaries of the State Governments, representatives of Employers, Employees and experts in the medical field.