Reserve Bank of India – Press Releases

Sr. No State Notified amount
(₹ Cr)
Amount accepted
(₹ Cr)
Cut off yield
(in %)
1. Andhra Pradesh 250 250 6.77 20
2. Bihar 2000 2000 5.10 3
3. Goa 100 100 6.68 10
4. Gujarat1 1500 2000 6.65 10
5. Karnataka 1000 1000 6.63 10
1000 1000 6.77 13
6. Kerala 500 500 5.05 3
500 500 6.04 5
7 Rajasthan 500 500 5.89 5
500 500 6.64 10
8. Tamil Nadu2 1000 1250 5.09 3
1000 1250 6.66 10
9. Uttar Pradesh 1000 1000 6.67 10
10. West Bengal 2000 2000 6.68 10
  Total 12,850 13,850    
1 Gujarat has accepted an additional amount of ₹ 500 cr.
2 Tamil Nadu has accepted an additional amount of ₹ 250 cr. each in both the securities

Ajit Prasad

Press Release: 2020-2021/228

Press Release by RBI