Rules to Prevent Cruelty of Animals Notified

The Government has issued the notification for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Pet Shop) Rules, 2016. These rules are meant to regulate pet shops. It was an area that was uncontrolled.

Objective: The objective of these rules is to make pet shops accountable and to prevent cruelty inflicted on animals kept in such pet shops.

The proposed Rules provide as under:

(i) It will be mandatory for all pet shop owners to register themselves with the State Animal Welfare Board of the respective State Governments/Union Territories.

(ii) Such shops will be registered only after inspection by the representatives of State Board, a veterinary practitioner and a representative of Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

(iii) The rules define space requirement for birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pig, hamster, rats and mice in the pet shops.

(iv) It defines the basic amenities, power back-up, general care, veterinary care and other operational requirement for animals kept in pet shops.

(v) It is mandatory to maintain proper records of sale, purchase, death of animals in pet shop, sick animals etc.

(vi) Every pet shop owner is required to submit yearly report to the State Board regarding animals, sold, traded, bartered, brokered, given away, boarded or exhibited during previous year, or any other information asked for by the State Board.

Violation of Rules: Non-compliance of the proposed rules will lead to cancellation of registration of pet shop and pet animals so confiscated, shall be handed over to an Animal Welfare Organisation, or a rescue centre recognised by the Board.