Safety Standards of LPG Cylinders

azadi ka amrit mahotsav

LPG cylinders are manufactured as per Indian Standards (IS): 3196 (Part-I) 2006. Each batch of new cylinders is tested by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) as per sampling plan given in clause 3.7 of IS 3196 part -I before dispatch. Based on the BIS certificate, approval is given by the Chief Controller of Explosives (CCoE), Nagpur or his authorised representative for the use of the cylinders for LPG filling as per Gas Cylinder Rules (GCR), 2016.

Under the Gas Cylinder Rules 2016, each cylinder is required to be re-tested to ascertain the fitness for further service. The periodicity of re-test is 10 years from the date of manufacture of cylinders and subsequently every five years thereafter. LPG cylinders are therefore periodically tested for safety as per norms set by Petroleum & Explosive Safety Organisation (PESO). The statutory testing of cylinders is done as per IS 16054.

Cylinders due for statutory testing are segregated at LPG filling Plant and sent for testing before putting them to use. LPG cylinders due for statutory testing are not filled or despatched from filling Plants. Accidents in domestic LPG cylinders happen due to various reasons which inter-alia include pilferage from cylinders, transfer of LPG from domestic to non-domestic cylinder, use of non-approved/non-standard equipments, improper handling at consumer’s premises, not changing hosepipe periodically leading to its wear & tear, failure of O-rings, leakage from LPG hose, leakage from stove, LPG cylinder bursting due to extreme heat generated during fire caused by other factors etc.

Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) take comprehensive Insurance Policy under ‘Public Liability Policy for Oil Industries’ which covers all LPG consumers registered with OMCs. Public Liability Insurance Policy taken by OMCs covers losses arising out of accidents where LPG is the primary cause of fire.  Currently, the policy provides for the following :

(i) Personal accident cover of ` 6,00,000/- per person in case of death.

(ii) Covers medical expenses of  ` 30 lakh per event with maximum  of ` 2,00,000/- per person.

(iii) In case of property damage, it covers maximum of ` 2,00,000/- per event at authorised customer’s registered premises. 

In case of any accident involving consumer’s premises, customer has to inform respective OMC distributor. OMC’s office upon intimation from the distributor, intimates the Insurance Company. The concerned Insurance Company takes further decision regarding settlement of the claim as per the provisions of Insurance Policies.

LPG distributorships are appointed as per Unified Selection Guidelines, 2016 and governed by the Distributorship Agreement signed between OMC and the distributor. The conduct of LPG distributorship is regulated as per the regulations set under Marketing Disciplinary Guidelines and penalties are imposed based on the nature of irregularities.

This information was given by the THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF PETROLEUM AND NATURAL GAS SHRI RAMESWAR TELI, in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.




Source PIB