Special Campaign 2.0 conducted successfully in Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade

azadi ka amrit mahotsav

As part of the Special Campaign 2.0, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)  and its 18 organizations have successfully engaged in implementation of the campaign at the 95 identified campaign-sites from 2nd – 31st October, 2022.  The implementation was further facilitated by a Coordination Committee constituted under the Nodal officer for DPIIT and a sanitation committee constituted to supervise implementation of the campaign in Udyog Bhavan and Vanijya Bhavan.

The Department has put in place a dedicated dashboard  for monitoring PMO references, VIP References, DO letters, PG etc and this has facilitated liquidation of pendencies during the implementation phase of Spl. Campaign 2.0. In the last 30 days of implementation, 37 out of 44 Public Grievances, 9 out of 16 PMO references have been successfully liquidated/disposed. In the matter of record management, 1,63, 997 physical files have been weeded out after reviewing more than 5.42 lakh physical files. Similarly, 3559 e-files have been closed after reviewing 46,616 e-files.


Udyog Bhavan | Ya, saya inBaliTimur | Flickr

Vanijya Bhawan – Details of the new premises of Ministry of Commerce and  Industry - YouTube

Udyog Bhavan

Vanijya Bhavan


During the preparatory phase and the implementation phase, the Department had taken a series of VC meetings with the ground level functionaries of its organistions with a view to sensitize the officers and also understand their plan of action. To give further push to the efforts of the organisations, the Department had deputed 49 officers at the level of Under Secretary and Section Officer to visit 75 campaign sites and report on the progress of the campaign. So far, reports have been received from forty-one campaign sites. From discussions of DPIIT officials with the campaign teams and the reports and photographs submitted, it transpires that all the offices have whole heartedly participated in the campaign and have ensured to make it successful. The campaign has served as a platform to understand the role of swachhata at work places, the role of ICT in work efficiency and above all, facilitated the organisations  to institutionalise a sustainable mechanism to keep the premises, clean and green. Many commendable practices were reported to have been adopted by these organisations to bring improvement in both work place and office practices.

Indian Ruber Manufacturers Research Association(IRMRA)

  1. A one point communication centre (Customer service centre) is set up for giving effective service to customers
  2. Long service awards are given to employees who have been served in the organisation for more than 15 years. Best attendance award is given to motivate employees


National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCCBM), Ballabhgarh

  • Award to best gardener and housekeeping staff every month,
  • Area ownership to Horticulturist for maintaining/ developing gardens
  • Management by walking Around – Every day top management goes to any of the section in morning & monitor the digitization, cleanliness status etc.
  • Suggestion Box for bringing out innovative ideas from staff
  • Segregation of waste in campus for wet waste & dry waste bins.
  • Display of Swachhata Awareness Posters all – over campus
  • The special campaign has resulted in creation of Record Retention Schedule in the organization.
  • The campaign has helped in Proper file management, Improved traceability of important documents/files due to digitization, removal of unnecessary papers, Initiation of Scrap Disposal activity , Awareness on Swachhata

PESO Bhopal

Disposal of all the cases within 21 days

PESO Guwhati

Online disposal of application within a time frame of 21 days

CGPDTM, Nagpur

CGPDTM, Nagpur has used basement of the building for exhibition and innovation gallery during holiday. This initiative is intended to inculcate the spirit of exploration of new innovation/patents among trainees / school children.

Patent Office, Chennai

(i) An interface module to address grievances specific IP is created and is operational through our website. (ii) Efforts taken through Helpdesk for conversion of offline applications to online at the entry point.

PESO, Chennai

Auto inward and paperless application is being implemented. Other initiative include daily monitoring of e-Nivesh, Dashboard for pendency.


The Department strongly believes that intervention by Ministries/Departments, especially DARPG, like the ones in the shape of Special Campaign 1.0 and 2.0, is bound to educate Government of India Work force on Swachhata, shape the public opinion about public service delivery systems and also help realise Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of “Cleanliness is next to godliness.”





Source PIB