Department of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has undertaken the Special Campaign 3.0 on Swachhta within the Department and its autonomous bodies/subordinate office. Preparatory phase started from 15th of September 2023 to identify targets of the various parameters of the campaign. The main campaign has started from 2nd Oct. 2023 and will last up to 31st Oct. 2023. Special focus of the campaign is on optimal utilization of space and creation of conducive and pleasant workplace experience in offices.
Taking a personal initiative, Secretary (Youth Affairs) has issued instructions to all concerned to devote themselves into the campaign wholeheartedly.
Under Swachhta Hi Seva Campaign, Secretary (Youth Affairs) administered Swachhta pledge to all officials of this Ministry to contribute to create a clean and garbage free India.
Daily progress is being monitored by the team headed by the Nodal Officer and the SCPDM portal hosted by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances is being regularly updated. All the Autonomous Bodies/Subordinate Office are enthusiastically celebrating the campaign as a Swachhta Parv.
All the targets have been identified and efforts are on to achieve the same by the Department during the campaign period.