Street Lighting National Programme: Latest Update

Prime Minister Naremdra Modi, has launched the Street Lighting National Programme (SLNP) on 5thJanuary, 2015 to attain significant savings by promoting LED based lighting.

The scheme is being implemented by Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint venture company of four Public Sector Undertakings under the Ministry of Power.

There is no element of Government of India subsidy in the scheme.

EESL has evolved a service model to enable municipalities to replace conventional lights with LEDs at no upfront cost.

The resultant reduction in Energy and maintenance cost of the municipality is used  to repay  EESL over a period of time. The target is to  install 3.5 crore LED street.

Lights in all the Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) of the country by March, 2019, which will result in avoided capacity generation of 1500 MW and save 9 billion KWh per year. The benefits likely to be accrued to the country as a result of implementation of SLNP programme is as follows:

No of LED bulbs distributed/street lights to be replaced in 3 years 3.5 crore
Expected annual energy savings 9 billion KWh (Approx)
Expected reduction in installed load 1500 MW (Approx)
Estimated capital investment (excluding O&M cost) (Approx) Rs. 35,000 crore
Annual estimated GHG emission reductions (Approx) 6.2 million tonnes of CO2
Estimated quantum of energy saved so far as a result of implementation (billion KWh per year) 0.42


State/UT No. of LED street lights
Andhra Pradesh 575,625
Bihar 150
Delhi 226,718
Himachal Pradesh 12,681
Kerala 9,707
Maharashtra 24,154
Puducherry 300
Rajasthan 593,523
Telangana 2,671
Tripura 36,789
Uttar Pradesh 41,646
Assam 4,798
Gujarat 44,147
Jharkhand 2,800
Madhya Pradesh 9,407
Punjab 3,682
West Bengal 300
Jammu & Kashmir 700
Uttarakhand 500
Goa 48,306
Chhattisgarh 661
Total 1,639,265