The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), Government of India, Sector Skill Council for Persons with Disabilities (SCPwD) and Flipkart Internet Private Limited have signed a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 26.4.2022 at CGO Complex, New Delhi.
The main objective of this MoU is to jointly provide skill training and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. It also envisages mobilisation of PwDs for skill training by the DEPwD, designing of job roles for e-commerce sector by SCPwD and providing skill training and hiring of PwDs.
Shri Kishor B. Surwade, Deputy Director General, DEPwD, Shri Ravindra Singh, CEO, SCPwD and Shri Rajneesh Kumar, Chief Corporate Affairs Officer and Senior Vice President, Flipkart Internet Private Limited represented their respective institutions for signing the MOU.
Under this initiative, for the first time, the DEPwD has come in association with e – commerce company Flipkart for inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in e -commerce sector. This joint initiative would create better opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs)by imparting job specific, practical and e -commerce skills in the supply chain sector to enhance their sustainable employability in the job market as well as to enable them to become entrepreneurs.
Ms. Anjali Bhawra, Secretary, DEPwD appreciated Flipkart and SCPwD for joining hands with the Department to jointly create a structured skill development intervention and enabling mechanism for mainstreaming of Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) into the mainstream economy and e-commerce sector in particular, in a fast track mode over the next two years.