The Secretary, DEPwD and Chairperson, National Trust welcomed all the participants of the National Exhibition and stated that the objective of this exhibition is to showcase various talents and skills of Divyangjan (PwIDDs). He also suggested for organising such programmes in NGO centres where large no. of PwIDDs can get opportunity to showcase their skills. He informed that thought there are 21 types of disabilities but the National Trust is dealing with four types of disabilities namely Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation (Intellectual Disability) and Multiple Disability. He also stated that Self Advocacy Training Programme need to be expanded. For this he advised for conducting this training programme at various places to make more and more PwIDDs as Self Advocates. Secretary DEPwD and Chairperson, National Trust appreciated the performance made by Divyangjan and also the products displayed in the stalls.
Mrs. Shanti Auluck while addressing the gathering said we could not provide facilities to these persons because we underestimated the capabilities of these children. While working with these children we learnt the eagerness for learning, the zeal for life and the feel of taking responsibility. Mind is designed to learn. They have the potential to grow when given an opportunity.
Mr. Rishi Bhuttan shared his life journey with the gathering that how being a person with Cerebral Palsy he overcame the challenges.
Ms. Tanya shared her experience of life that how she became a Special Educator. She is also a member of Self Advocacy.
Apart from cultural performance by Divyangjan showing unity and diversity there was also presentation of products prepared by these Divyangjan in different stalls. The products were exhibited by the Registered Organisations of the National Trust from States i.e. Assam, Tripura, Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal. What to say the beautiful products prepared by these Divyangjans from North to South to East to West.
Mesmerizing performances by the kids from 9 States i.e. Assam, Tripura, Maharashtra, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Kerala got huge round of applause from the audience. Such lively performances should be organised from time to time.
The National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities is a statutory body constituted by an Act of Parliament, 1999.
During the Exhibition, Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities showcased their talents and skills in the form of Cultural programme (Dance, Art, Singing etc.) and displayed products developed by them. 19 stalls were put up by Registered Organizations (ROs) of the National Trust. Cultural Program included Yoga performance by PwIDDs, Bihu dance and Patriotic dance by PwIDDs and other performance will be performed by 10 ROs during the Exhibition.
Dr. Shanti Auluck, Chairperson, Muskaan Parents Association, Delhi will speak on ‘Experience sharing on working with PwIDDs. In addition, 2 working PwIDDs will share their experience during the exhibition.