Under the guidance and directions of the Chairperson of e-committee Dr Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, Judge, Supreme Court of India , e-Committee conducted 19 online E-Committee Training(ECT) /awareness programme during the pandemic period from May 2020 to December 2020. E-Courts Project Phase II is a mission mode project undertaken by the Department of Justice, Government of India. The Training and programme are conducted under Change Management component of the e-Courts Project Phase II. The training programme covered 167735 participants which includes Advocates, High Court Judges, Judges of District Judiciary, Court Staff, Master Trainers among Judges/DSAs, Technical Staff of High Court.
The highlights of the training programme include the
- Nationwide Court staff training programme
Nationwide Court staff training programme covering one staff from each court throughout the country and technical staff training covered ECT 11-2020, 12-2020,132020,14-2020 ,15-2020 which trained 69862. The entire court staff training was carried as per the ecommittee training TOT module with the in-house DSA master trainers among staffs as the trainers.
- Webinar for Advocates :
During pandemic four Webinars were conducted for the Advocates by the ecommittee in coordination with the Bar associations of various states like Maharastra,Delhi , Tamil Nadu which reached a total of 96775 views. In fact the District wise Awarness training programme which was conducted by the ecommittee simultaneourly throughout the country in every district center through the Judicial officer master trainers for Advocates was inaugurated by the Chairperson of ecommittee Dr Justice Dhananjaya Y Chandrachud, Judge, Supreme Court of India which alone got more than 40 thousand views .
(iii) Reaching out to the High court Judges
In addition to this the ecommittee training programme also reached out to the High court Judges through the workshop on NJDG as Court and case management tool for High court Judges in coordination with the Madhya Pradesh High court and Patna high court. And through the special programme by ecommittee on ecourts project through National Judicial academy .
(iv) Advocate Master trainer programme in 5 phases for 2021
The member (Human resources) of eCommittee Ms.R Arulmozhiselvi stated that for 2021 as per the directions of the Chairperson of eCommittee nearly 5000 advocate Master trainers will be trained and through them the ecourts related training and awareness programme is aimed to reach all the Advocates from High court bar association to the District and taluk Bar association before May 2021. It will be a unique programme where ecommittee will be covering its important stakeholder advocates. She added that the training programme is to appraise the advocates with the bascis of ecourts services and it has quite a few interesting topics like electronic case management tools for Advocates, how to appear in VC, how to scan a document, making accessible Pdfs etc. Thus the digital enabling and empowering of the Bar and Bench will surely pave way for the digital enhancement of the Indian Judiciary.