Akbar’s Painting Fetch Rs.19 crores

Akbar Padamsee’s ‘Greek Landscape’ fetched a record Rs 19.19 crores at Saffronart’s auction at Delhi.

It is the most expensive painting by the artist ever to sell at an auction.

“Padamsee’s ‘Greek Landscape’ is on 4.3 x 12 foot canvas.

The winning bid surpassed the previous world record of Rs 9.3 crores, set by Sotheby’s in 2011 for ‘Reclining Nude'(1960).

Other Auctions:

Nasreen Mohamedi’s 1960 oil on canvas fetched Rs 2.4 crores.

Gaganendranath Tagore’s ‘Ruben’s Sketch Book’ sold for Rs 1.8 crores.

V S Gaitonde’s Untitled oil on canvas (1970) sold for Rs 10.12 crores.

M F Husain’s ‘Dreams’ (1979) sold for Rs 4.44 crores.

S H Raza’s ‘La Terre’ (1986) sold for Rs 3.84 crores ($581,818).