Arab League, EU Sign Crisis Management Protocol

The Arab League and the EU have jointly signed a cooperation protocol for launching the second phase of a project that aims at boosting the League’s capabilities in facing crises.

The protocol completes the first phase of the project between the League and EU in the fields of early warning and crisis management, implemented between 2011 and 2014.

The protocol will also help the accomplishment of the second phase of a project between the league and the EU in the early warning system domain and crisis management.

The second phase of the project aims at bolstering technical and institutional capabilities specialized for the League’s General Secretariat and member countries in crisis management.

It also tends to establish the crisis response abilities initiative inside the Arab League within the framework of partnership with national agencies relative to crisis response in member countries.

Arab League Secretary General Nabil Al-Araby signed the protocol for the Arab side, while Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, signed for the European side.

The Arab League is an organization that consists of independent Arab States on the territory of northern and north-eastern part of Africa and southwest Asia.

Representatives of the first six member states – Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Saudi Arabia – that initiated the league’s formation signed the agreement in Cairo, on March 22, 1945.

Since then, 16 more states joined the organization, but due to recent uprising in Syria and their government’s brutal way of dealing with political opponents, the league suspended this member state and now counts 21 members.

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