BRICS Meet on Energy Savings and Efficiency

The Union Ministry of Power is organising the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Working Group meeting on “Energy Savings & Energy Efficiency” in the port city of Vishakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh during July 4-5.

The Heads of Delegations of the Working Group on Energy Saving & Energy Efficiency will chart out a plan on Cooperation in Energy Saving & Energy Efficiency within BRICS.

During the meet, a joint statement will be agreed which will be a guiding tool for the BRICS efforts in “Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency”, Consultation process in energy efficiency among the BRICS countries.

The Centre has decided to showcase its efforts in energy saving, energy efficiency, in particular in the LED street lighting programme of Visakhapatnam city during the meet.

Consequent to the Conference of the Parties– 21 (COP-21) Summit held in Paris, several countries have evinced interest in exchanging Global LED technologies, as part of international initiatives on Climate Change.