A MoU was signed today between MD, NHIDCL and Director, IIT, Roorkee for sharing knowledge on innovative ideas and technologies in the field of highway engineering. The purpose of this MoU is to establish the basis of collaboration between both the parties such that the NHIDCL and IIT, Roorkee can take up various activities of common interest such as sharing knowledge on innovative ideas and technologies in the field of highway engineering and other infrastructure works as per mutually agreed terms and conditions. The MoU provides a formal basis for initiating interaction between NHIDCL and IIT, Roorkee and will play a significant role in realising the aims and objectives of Prime Minister’s GatiShakti, National Master Plan launched recently.
National Highways Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) promotes surveys, establishes, designs, builds, operates, maintains and upgrades National Highways and Strategic Roads including interconnecting roads in parts of the country which share international boundaries with neighbouring countries including the UTs of J&K, Ladakh and Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the states of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, West Bengal and the seven northeastern states.
IIT, Roorkee is a premier institute in the country with a vision to be a centre of excellence in education and research, producing global leaders in science, technology and management; to be a hub of knowledge creation and technology development that prioritizes the frontier areas of national and global importance to improve the life of every citizen of the country.
Both NHIDCL and IIT, Roorkee are leading premier national organisations in their respective fields and are desirous of working together to work as a team to achieve national objectives, undertaken with their best abilities and maximum mutual cooperation with the intent of helping each other.