National Livestock Mission Achievements

Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister, Shri Radha Mohan Singh presided over the second General Council meeting of the National Livestock Mission (NLM).

Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries is implementing National Livestock Mission for sustainable development of Livestock Sector, especially for poultry, goats, sheep, pig, pack animals, etc.

NLM provides assistance to improve availability of quality feed and fodder, risk mitigation and extension, skill development and training for livestock sector including cattle and buffaloes.

The livestock rearers and farmers, especially women, are unorganised, as these activities are primarily backyard in nature.

However, rearing small ruminants, backyard poultry, pigs and other minor livestock offers tremendous opportunities for improving both nutritional and livelihood security of livestock rearers with specific scientific interventions.

One of the reasons for setting up NLM from scheme-mode to mission-mode is to provide the necessary flexibility to all States and UTs in undertaking appropriate interventions suited to their conditions.

Taking into account the overall requirement of the livestock sector, there is a need to augment resources for the sector and synergise activities through appropriate convergence, under the umbrella of NLM to supplement the efforts of the States and UTs to take care of the activities which cannot be accommodated within other ongoing schemes.

All components under the NLM are made flexible and modular, looking into the needs of farmers and stake holders, and as per the geographical and regional requirements so that even the small and marginal farmers can also avail the benefits of the activities proposed under NLM.

The distribution of resources and subsidies are also made equitable with considerations for APL, BPL beneficiaries and beneficiaries of North Eastern Region, Hilly, Left Wing Extremism areas so that the beneficiaries in more disadvantageous position get equitable benefits for sustainable livelihood.

The National livestock Mission is organised into the following four sub-Missions:

i. Sub-Mission on Livestock Development

ii. Sub-Mission on Pig Development in North-eastern Region

iii. Sub-Mission on Fodder and Feed Development

iv. Sub-Mission on Skill Development, Technology Transfer and Extension

NLM’ last three years achievements and milestones are as follows:

— 32,981 Beneficiaries have been assisted under Entrepreneurship Development & Employment Generation (EDEG).

— 3.68 lakh beneficiaries funded for assistance under Rural Backyard Poultry Development.

— 35.64 lakh animal insurance has been under taken.

— 3.00 lakh Goat and 9.80 lakh pig has been given health support.

— 41 state Poultry /Sheep/ Goat Piggery Breeding Farms have been supported.

— 54,930 Chaff Cutter has been distributed.

— 96,321 Qtls seed has been distributed.

— 3823 silage units have been established.

— Organization of 519 Livestock Mela has been supported.

— 223 Livestock Farmers Group and 121 Farmers Field School has been established & 8420 Farmers have been covered under exposure visit.

Milestones Achieved:

— The Risk Management and Insurance as a component of Sub-Mission on Livestock Development of National Livestock Mission (NLM) is implemented in all the District of the Country instead of 300 selected District earlier.

— All animals are now covered such as indigenous/crossbred milch animals, Pack animals (Horse, Donkey, Mules, Camels, Ponies and Cattle Buffaloes male) and other livestock (Goat, Sheep, Pigs, Rabbit, Yak and Mithun instead of only milch animals earlier.

— The benefit of subsidy has been enhanced and is restricted to 5 cattle unit per beneficiary per household, in case of Goat, Sheep, Pigs and Rabbit one cattle unit is equal to 10 animals instead of only 2 milch animals per household earlier.