Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Dr. Virendra Kumar on his visit to Dimapur virtually attended ‘Samajik Adhikarita Shivir’ for distribution of aids and assistive devices to ‘Divyangjan’ under the ADIP Scheme and to Senior citizens under ‘Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana’ (RVY) Scheme of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India.
The Distribution Camp which was being conducted in Kiphire District was organized by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) in association with ALIMCO and District Administration Kiphire at commissionerate campus.
Addressing virtually from Dimapur the chief guest Dr. Virendra Kumar said that under the leadership and guidance of Hon’ble Prime Minister central Government has implemented various welfare schemes for developing an inclusive society and empowerment of persons with disabilities and senior citizens of the country. Informing about the implementation of various schemes by his Ministry in the state of Nagaland Minister informed that Scholarship worth Rs.8.71 Crore has been disbursed among 71 Divyangjan, out of total 1752 UDID cards 1586 UDID cards have been made, he urged the State authorities to expedite completion of the balanced cards in the state.
Union Minister emphasised on Skill training programme for empowerment of Divyangjan and brings them in the mainstream of society for overall development of the country. Informing about various initiatives taken for Divyangjan Union Minister informed Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan is another flagship program of Government. He informed that fund of Rs.8.28 crore have been released for the State of Nagaland for making 29 government buildings accessible under the Accessible India campaign. Union Minister instructed that assessment camps may be conducted at various locations of Kiphire to cover maximum number of beneficiaries.
Various category of Aids and Assistive devices like Wheelchair, Hearing Aids, MSIED Kit, Smart Cane, Braile Kit were distributed among 37 Divyangjan and Senior Citizens beneficiaries who were assessed during assessment camps organized by ALIMCO in the Kiphire.
Shri. T. Wati Aier, Deputy Commissioner, Khipre presented a detail information about the work and implementation of Schemes taken up by District Administration for welfare of Divyangjan and Senior Citizens.